Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Week of Woe

The Christmas holiday season is my favorite time of year. A time when I expect new toys, treats, perhaps a Christmas sweater (I chose the word "expect," not desire)

But this past week can only be described as a major downer, a week of woe. First, a routine trip to the dentist turned into major medical. Second, the resulting meds led to some seriously deceptive behavior (on the part of certain people) which I shall explain momentarily. Then to add insult to injury, today I was dragged (chose that word advisedly) to Doggie Styles, the lair of the frightening Kelly.

The dental situation is dire; I will not linger over it here. The meds, a different story. Willingly I ingested the medications three times per day for several days. Now wouldn't you expect that if one prescription expired the others would too?

Learn from my experience; meds last as long as they last. Fed up with Maman's and Papa's mendacity I tried to refused the pitiful attempts to lure me with cheese and ice cream with more or less success. Finally, this morning, at the hint of the profferred cheese and ice cream, I ran away! They couldn't believe it. I'd confounded them thoroughly and I was feeling pretty fine

In the midst of my jubilation, however, Papa lured me into the car and drove me down that loathsome road ----- to Doggie Styles (ugh). I've written about Kelly before. She is a nice woman and pretty too. But her profession dooms her to the dread-list of doggies everywhere.

Now that Christmas is only 5 days away, I can only hope that my sacrifices to (not of) Good Behavior, my acceptance of adversity with no (or little) crying or pouting, and my general good cheer will be remembered by darling Santa who act upon that accordingly.

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