Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dear Friends & Fans & Darling Santa,

I must admit that I've made grievous errors. First and foremost, I did not write a thank you letter to Santa. What must I have been thinking of?! What disgrace have I brought down, on myself, my family, and generations to come. Even maman posted Facebook photos of the gifts I received (& had asked for) for Christmas.

But my punishment is swift and sure. Valentine's Day arrives within 2 weeks. But doggie Valentine's Day pictures appointments can be scheduled starting next Friday. Next Friday! Doubtless, the photographer will have pink and red heart fluffy necklaces or hats or back-drops. Maman has already explored the options and located a photographer's lair within a mile of our home.

To my friends and fans, but in particular to my darling Santa who granted every wish, accept my deepest apologies for the hubris and lack of loving-kindness with which I have acted, and please send messages to maman to spare me the indignities of doggie Valentine's Day portraits.