Thursday, December 28, 2006

The Christmas Presents

As everyone knows, Christmas morning begins early. But, like other mornings, certain routines must be observed.

This photo shows the carpets that surround my loft; here, I stretch out every morning.

The next order of business is the Walk Outside. This I shall pass over with the decorum that comes naturally to me.

Rituals observed on Christmas morning, the time has come to search for presents! If you read the previous entry you're already privy to the Roushanzamir's Christmas lists. Below I'll simply upload the shots --taken by Mama who has seemingly recovered from the holiday excesses -- and provide brief commentary as needed.

First order of business [of course]: rush to the tree [see photo]. Of note: the ornament topping the Cypress tree was specially crafted by Nikos Kavoori for Mama in what's now known as Nikos' Early Period. Its value has since sky-rocketed, in particular since Nikos abandoned that medium when he moved into his Utilitarian Phase. This shot also permits a narrow glimpse into the collage-like ambiance of Mama's et Papa's home; see in particular the crystal ball [located at the far left front]

Presents there were, although as per previous discussion [12/27/06] , Mama's smallish haul [if I may use such a crass term] showed an inverse correlation to the comparative length of her list. Still, not to be sneezed at: fully 11 Dr. Who dvd/s.

Frankly, I found Papa's original list disappointingly dull. To refresh your memory, he asked for clothes, a calander, a belt, an Old Navy gift certificate!

What a nightmare: no toys, no diamonds, just the sadly mundane necessities. For all that, Santa delivered with a certain panache. Even the gift certificate reflects Santa's flair, as he enhanced the dreary practical with a choice both witty and charming.

With all due respect, my own requests from Santa reveal in part how I've insinuated myself into the position of power that it's widely acknowledged I hold in the Roushanzamir household. I wasted no time on frivolous wishes for sweaters, food bowls, new leashes and the like. Those are merely my due.

Pictured below, and requiring no comment at all, are only 3 of the gorgeous and glorious Toys that I unwrapped on Christmas morning. [The wrapping paper itself deserves a separate blog entry; rarely as I permitted such liberties with paper as on Christmas morning.]

In the spirit of Christmas, I presented Mama et Papa with a special present.

Finally, replete and happy, I retired to Mama's et Papa's spacious futon [approximately 12 times larger than mine-- but I'll write about my furniture on another day] to play with the very best of toys, Papa's sock.

Friends & fans, as a post script I add the picture of the one blot on my Christmas morning, which as mentioned in the previous entry, Mama has agreed to return in exchange for More Toys.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Santa's Visit

Below, find the letter I mailed to Santa on behalf of the Roushanzamir family. It's rather lengthy. Please persevere. The letter is followed by our success rate and analysis.

2006 Letter to Santa [Christmas Gift Request Letter for the Roushanzamir Family]:

Dear, Wonderful Santa,

On behalf of myself and my Papa & Mama here find our lists of What We Want for Christmas. We have all been very well behaved: no pouting, no crying, no shouting, and etc. In other words, we've all been really good indeed. All year long.

[OK: for the sake of honesty we've all been as good as can be expected. And we hope that, with promises for even better behavior next year (2007), you'll feel free to honor our wishes this year (2006).]

In alphabetical order by first name:


1 cool African market basket from Earth Fare

1 soft silk and cashmere sweater, long & lean style

Doctor Who - The Key to Time Collection (1975)
Doctor Who - The Talons of Weng-Chiang (1975)

Doctor Who - Earthshock (Episode 122) from
Doctor Who - The Five Doctors (Episode 130)
The Maigret DVD Collection

A special Queen's coronation box

Dickens' leather-bound writing journal

Bezzel-set diamond necklace set in 18-carat gold


No need to include my wishes here. I've emailed my wish list far ahead of time with the caveat that if you don't receive it, I'll resend. So let me know.


$50 gift certificate from Old Navy
Avenger’s calander
All-England football wind jacket
Western-style belt

Santa, I've spent a great deal of time & care assembling these lists for our family.

One factor stands out: Mama's list is the longest.

Please don't hold this against her or think her greedy. The truth of the matter: Mama is my hero. Although I take her for granted, I know she's the one who stays with me all day long and puts my needs before her own. I do not mean to imply that Papa & I do not equally deserve consideration. Simply put, although the length of Mama's list is greater, her actions should not be considered avaricious nor be counted as Bad Behavior.

Santa, we all love you & think of you throughout each year (not only close to Christmas time). Are you doing well? We hope so. Say hello to Mrs. Santa and all your pals at the North Pole.

Finally, we hope you can slip down our chimney despite the fact that a block was put up on the roof to keep out undesirables; but that does not mean you!

Lots of Love from your good friend ,
Mercury Murphy Roushanzamir

p.s. One more note about Mama's list. Perhaps Saeid will get her the African market basket. Contact him so there's no duplication


The Results:

Apparently the letter was received; as a group we had an 90% success rate [margin of error +/- 3].

For example, Although I'd asked for 3 rapping plush dog toys, I received only one. It was, however, my first choice. When squeezed, it raps: "D--O--G D--O--G what you gonna do, what you gonna do when they come for you?"

Mama did find all the requested Dr. Who dvd/s except "The Talons of Weng-Chiang." She received the leather-bound Dickens journal. Sadly the Maigret dvd/s were not under the tree [a living Cypress]. Nor was there an African basket. She knew the diamond necklace was a long shot anyway; it may have been her demise [see analysis below].

Saeid's every wish was granted.

Analysis :

Mama, in making her [too] many requests, overstepped the boundaries of good gift requesting taste. Her faux-pas was noted, despite my well-crafted plea.

Mercury: Admittedly many of my requests were for the arcane, the mysterious, the rare. So I don't complain; with the exception of a spa robe [which Mama has agreed to return & exchange], all my presents were toys. No sweaters, pj/s or cute doggie accessories [see the September 7, 2006 entry for the suggestive books regarding smaller dogs' preferences].

As for Saeid, it seems that Santa agrees with the allegation that "Saeid's the nicest guy in Athens." I include the quotation marks for good reason: how many times have I listened to Athenians from the day, townies, and newcomers alike make that remark.

Finally: As you may know, Mama serves as my photographer as well as fulfilling other support functions. But, replete with Christmas food & drink, a recuperation period is in order.

Shots of the best of the best gifts from Santa will appear in due course as will tips for crafting your own letter to Santa in 2007.

Monday, December 25, 2006


Peace on Earth, Good Will towards Men

Merry Christmas with love & appreciation to my Loyal Fans

Mercury Murphy Roushanzamir

Monday, December 18, 2006

Update: My Modeling Career

Although slated for today was another section on the Gang of Ten [see December 1, 2006] , some good news supercedes [over what's a basic rehashing of Mama's graduate teaching & the Scholarly Exemplars with whom she has shared a brief moment of their lives].

My modeling career [see October 7, 2006] is exploding. Some particularly fine Christmas shots will appear nationwide on a television Christmas special; you may have already spotted them in the splashy holiday fashion layouts.

My portfolio also includes a shoot for a prestigious East Coast restaurant, Zamir-e-Zan. It earned its reputation: eclectic menu and decor, impeccable yet understated service, and designer food. Zamir-e-Zan honored me by refusing to accept an alternative Face, waiting for over a week 'til my previous engagement came to an end.

Modeling is both a fascinating, rewarding career & an intriguing word. I've found 25 definitions of "modeling"-- it can be used as a noun, adjective and verb [with or without object].

Synonyms include:

paragon prototype, archetype, mold, original [apparently, my profession chose me]

This final head shot is my way of extending seasons greetings to you, my loyal fans. [courtesy of Bella Vita Fotografie, ]

FYI: I'm looking forward to Santa's visit with all my heart.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Mercury Resting

In the old times, when an actor was out of work, he said, "I am resting."

Since Mama was incapacitated by a sharp knife, necessitating a trip to the emergency room where she received Stitches, she refuses to turn on the computer or place me on my chair.

This brief entry is thanks solely to Papa's largesse.

And, I join the stage denizens with their ever-ready excuse: I Am Resting.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Stitch in Time

Pauvre Mama!

She sliced her little finger on 12/06 & 2 stitches were taken.

As you may know, although I am the sole creative force behind the MercuryMurphy blog, Mama turns on the computer and sets me up on my chair. [For more about my creative process, including the recipe for innovation-inducing libations, see entry of November 25, 2006.]

Thus there will be a slight delay before my next posting.

In the meantime, feel free to review some of my earlier entries.

I suggest the series of mystery reviews [October 2006], musings on media interviews with Andy Lester [by Chris Matthews], Jerry Seinfeld, and Superman [September 2006], informative essays about global artifacts & pictures of me as a baby [August 2006], and specifics about a dog's life in the Roushanzamir family [July 2006; entry, July 28, a view of my loft].

For another pleasant read, click "view my complete profile" located at the end of "About Me" to the right of your screen.

Remember: blogs invite comments.
Click on "comments" at the end of each entry to record your own.

Til later, my good friends & fans,
Mercury Murphy Roushanzamir/M-squared

Post Script: Mama's suggestion: "go to BBC-America web site for days & times during the week when you can watch the Time Lords of Galifrey program Dr. Who; watch him travel through space & time in his Tardis [time and relative dimensions in space machine--see photos of outside & inside below]," she says.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Gang of Ten, Tribute: part 1

Mama asked that I use my blog space to recognize VIPs: her former graduate students, 2 MA, 8 Ph.D. students. As she kindly grants access to her files & computer, it seems wise to comply with her request.

Contrary to Mama's assumptions , Allyson Mann: doesn't like coffee, isn't wild about Woody Allen films, and prefers not to pursue a Ph.D. However, Allyson conducted original research, visited Mama in Innsbruck, and was the 1st grad student Mama advised through completion of degree. She's a supportive, mysterious friend. My diligent web search discovered 1 image of her:
For Brian Vaught's MA thesis, he constructed a post-modern ethnography, an online exploration of media production, forms & impact. He attended FAU & University of Illinois [close to finishing his doctoral degree].

So we begin the Gang of Ten, Tribute. Please return often over the next few days to meet the other VIPs.
For my educational background go to
blog entry, July 21, 2006.