Friday, January 07, 2011

Thank You, Darling Santa

Dear, Darling Santa,

I hope you're not too tired to read my letter. Perhaps it's a bit overdue but I figure you might have needed a long nap after your arduous Christmas Eve. I tried so hard to stay awake that night so that I could join you as you drank the milk +brandy concoction and ate the delicious cookies. (Below is a picture to remind you of that night and of the delicious cookies; perhaps you'll want to visit me again soon.)

While I did not receive all the gifts I asked for, I was satisfied with my treat filled personalized pail, my argyle leash, a couple of balls to chase, gourmet treats to eat and a sturdy bone to chew. (Below are pictures)

Papa did not fare so well. He received a book titled A Butler's Guide to Gentlemen's Grooming and another, Porters English Cookery Bible (written by Richard, Earl of Bradford). Maman gave him a stress-relieving Adipose (a wicked alien encountered during the time travels of Dr. Who) which he disliked very much and which Maman immediately took back. Luckily, Papa bought himself an all-cotton scarf and a pair of Gap jeans. And after this blaze of infamy, he was happy to open a bottle of Glenmorangie. Perhaps friend Santa if you visit us (very) soon, he will share with you.

Maman did not receive a shopping spree in the London Burberry store, but she did open a beautifully wrapped package containing a Burberry Brit jacket. And another equally lovely package revealed sweet smelling perfume. The 8-10 carat emerald cut diamond ring set in platinum will have to wait til next year.

I know you see me all the time, when I'm awake and when I'm asleep, so perhaps you saw this: Maman downloaded a pop-up book on her birthday iPad titled The Night Before Christmas. Have you read that? It's all about a guy like you. He looks like you. He gives gifts like you. And, he says, "Ho Ho Ho." Just like you!

So darling Santa, primarily thanks to you I spent a wonderful Christmas. I was happy to learn at Christmas dinner that you visited the highly deserving Pam, Sophie, and Lily too. Next to me, they were probably the best behaved girls in Athens. Plus they set a beautiful holiday table, loaded with festive foods, and welcome me with open loving arms.

I hope you'll call me a few times during the year; we can exchange funny stories and maybe plan to meet somewhere. If that's not possible, I'll (hopefully) see you next Christmas Eve.

Love from the best behaved doggie ever, Mercury