Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Babeee is a Muse

When in Doubt, Always Choose Laughter is the latest vehicle for my favorite Big Star, known as The Babeee. You can see all his Vines if you search his director's name: Nick Confalone. Click the director's name below and,

if you can't hear sound when the new window opens, click the upper left hand corner. I certainly hope this great work of video art gives you as much pleasure as it does me. And that you'll be inspired to see how director Confalone explores universal themes via The Babeee.

Also: do not neglect to read today's other entry, below. Please post your support for Maman et Papa gifting me an iPhone of my very own. Perhaps once I have one, I too will create Vines.

My very own iPhone

Cher Maman et Papa,

Now that I am 8, it's time to buy me an iPhone of my very own. Please buy the newest version and sign me up for unlimited talk, text and data. I can take it from there. 

After all, I'm posting this entry from Maman's iPhone. 

I have a special place for it in my home.  I keep your phone there when I borrow it!

I'm willing to use AT&T to keep your billing simple. So please go to their corner store to pick up my iPhone today. 

Perhaps better if I go with you so I can choose my own stylish case. 

Love, MM

Friday, July 05, 2013


Vine is a social medium. Record 6 seconds of looping images and sound. It's a new art form! And notably Vines were featured in their own category at the 2013 TriBecA film festival.

Here are 2 examples of Vines. [Both contain sound; if you don't hear anything, take your cursor to the upper left corner of the visual where a sound icon will appear; if there's an 'X' click it to eliminate it and you'll hear the sounds.] The first is by Viner Nick Confalone, "trying to be a good dad in 6 seconds or less."

one from Tzaddi who "wakes up to experience the exquisite joy--the joy of being Salvador Dali"

There are all sorts of Vines: beautiful, raunchy, funny, serious, with all sorts of topics-- comedy, art and experimental, family, fashion, food, news, special FX, weird, cats, and yes, Dogs. Check them out including my own under the name "Elizabeth Roushanzam"  (I've used Maman's name but most of the Vines are my very own creative work. You can download the Vine app on iPhone or Google Play or read about it by clicking HERE.)

 Enjoy and Create! As always, your pal, Mercury