Monday, September 02, 2013

Semester begins with gatherings and parties

Perhaps you think that teaching at, or attending, a university, is all about books, classrooms, computers, mobile devices, homework, papers, quizes and tests, grading, office hours and etc. And you'd be (almost) right.

However, Fall 2013 started off with a round of parties.

President Jere Morehead's gathering to welcome Grady Dean Davis.  Dean Davis' party to welcome back Grady faculty and staff. Graduate Student Caucus' pizza and soft drinks (cash bar for those, like me, with appropriate documentation) get-together, and more.

What a social whirl!!

Above you see me driving my new Mercedes to 5Points Liquor Store (stocking up for the party I'm throwing) and dusting off my tux to make sure it still fits (it does).

I hope you've spent the 2nd half of August as pleasantly as I have. Looking forward to Fall Break and then to Thanksgiving Break and then to my favorite time of all, Christmas Break when my very best friend in the Universe (not just the galaxy but the Universe) will visit me once again (my darling Santa)

And, yes, we're also studying and learning to our hearts' content.