Saturday, December 02, 2006

Stitch in Time

Pauvre Mama!

She sliced her little finger on 12/06 & 2 stitches were taken.

As you may know, although I am the sole creative force behind the MercuryMurphy blog, Mama turns on the computer and sets me up on my chair. [For more about my creative process, including the recipe for innovation-inducing libations, see entry of November 25, 2006.]

Thus there will be a slight delay before my next posting.

In the meantime, feel free to review some of my earlier entries.

I suggest the series of mystery reviews [October 2006], musings on media interviews with Andy Lester [by Chris Matthews], Jerry Seinfeld, and Superman [September 2006], informative essays about global artifacts & pictures of me as a baby [August 2006], and specifics about a dog's life in the Roushanzamir family [July 2006; entry, July 28, a view of my loft].

For another pleasant read, click "view my complete profile" located at the end of "About Me" to the right of your screen.

Remember: blogs invite comments.
Click on "comments" at the end of each entry to record your own.

Til later, my good friends & fans,
Mercury Murphy Roushanzamir/M-squared

Post Script: Mama's suggestion: "go to BBC-America web site for days & times during the week when you can watch the Time Lords of Galifrey program Dr. Who; watch him travel through space & time in his Tardis [time and relative dimensions in space machine--see photos of outside & inside below]," she says.

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