Saturday, December 20, 2008

Letter to Santa, Christmas 2008

Dear, Darling Santa,

Remember me?

I've waited abominably long this year to write my letter. However, let's cut to the chase: brief & to the point. I've been good all year long, whether sleeping or waking, I haven't cried nor have I begged, nor pouted. [no time to present the evidence; please take my word for it.]

Therefore with confidence, I offer my Christmas list and, as proof of my selfless [almost] nature, I've include lists for Maman et Papa. [I can only assume and sincerely hope that these lists truly reflect their desires.]

What I want for Christmas:

1 octopus stuffed toy

as many balls as possible

some tasty dental treats

and the biggest raw-hide bone available

Affection-Affection-Affection Papa's list:

1 Mercedes [C-series]

1 fancy crystal bowl

1 valuable antique

shirts that don't shrink [note: Maman does the laundry....]

Dearest Maman's list:

a fancy dress in cloth of gold

an iPhone [twice the speed, 1/2 the price]

a European cake

Harry Winston jewelry
[don't look in the Paris store which, just in case you don't know, was knocked over & cleaned out by world-class thieves]

Dearest Santa, I love you very much and think of you all year long. I hope you fulfill all of our wishes. But please do note that my requests are the most modest, therefore [I assume] the most probable.

By the way, if you prefer certain kinds of cookies, or a beverage other than milk with which to refresh yourself before you leave our home, please let me know by writing a comment on my blog.

With all due respect and ever so much love, your friend Mercury Murphy


Culture and Communication said...

Dear Mercury

Happy Christmas to you and Mama. And I hope your long list can get its goals. You have a good desire and taste in defining the gift list... Poor Mama & Papa


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours, Mercury! I hope you got everything you wanted from Santa and are enjoying the holidays. Love Your Faithful Groomer,Kelly

Susan said...

I was just reading again and laughed when you listed your Papa's list. The note of your Mama's laundry skills made me chuckle as to our conversation we had a month or so ago.