Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas, Part 1: early morning

Christmas morning dawned happily, the gray sky betokening rain to come, a blessing for drought-ridden northeast Georgia (location of the Roushanzamir home).

So happily, that I'm hard put to describe it! Words & photos [almost] fail me.

One small incident exemplifies the beauty of this year's Christmas morn.

Some months ago Mama purchased for me a Christmas ruff. Red, with white trim and a bell. She expected me to wear it at various holiday functions & literally chased me 'round the house in her sad attempt to persuade me to don The Ruff. [Due to my native cunning I managed to hide it just prior to the picture-with-Santa event; see 20-December-07 entry].

The true spirit of Christmas rose with me on Christmas morning & when Mama renewed her request, I humbly, willingly and yes, Happily, wore the ruff [if only momentarily].

Here, pictured is that ruff, along with a couple of other "gifts" received-- yes, some very beautiful people actually gave me antlers & a jingle-bell collar.

Still to come, more pictures of gifts received.
What Santa brought Mama et Papa.

How I spent Christmas night (hint: singing, eating, drinking & general merriment)

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