Sunday, October 24, 2010

Special Photography Effects

My current creative project is represented by this photo. Using a variety of filters and functions, I create special effects such as the tones of old cameras and films such as Lomo and Agfa and Ilford. A variegated effect function creates the simulacrum of age and dirt. Color photos can be transformed into Sepia and black & white. Here you have my first effort. The picture was shot by Maman; I manipulated the image.

Are any of you, my faithful friends and fans, interested in photography? The art form, originally seen as in opposition to high art, then became identified with high culture, both art and industrial. Now, especially with the advent of smart phones, anyone can be a photographic artist, everyone if free to express and explore the individuality and, through social media, their connections to others as well.

Don't you agree: we live in terrible and wonderful times?

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Ah ... my dear .... I am enjoying your adventures with photography. Alas, I am not adept in the fine art...though your thoughts intrigue me. I tried to take pictures while I was "in foreign parts," but became discouraged; the photographs never seemed to look like what I was seeing.

Perhaps I should change my mindset (as well as acquire some apps to manipulate my photos) ... stop trying to represent the reality I am seeing and simply create a new one based upon it. A most interesting idea. Thank you for sharing your creative efforts