Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thanks Where Thanks is/are Due

Those familiar with my January 30, 2007 entry, Mercury's futon, will doubtless remember my troubles a propos the disregard with which my personal needs [at table, dog accoutrements such as leashes & name tags, and wardrobe] are fulfilled. Amongst other grievances: the heavy blue water bowl &, an even more crushing indignity, the green plastic cat food bowl.

I am able announce that my melancholy, at feeding time at least, has been in great part acknowledged & alleviated.

[True the menu remains ever-unchanging and my plea for 3 meals per day has gone unheeded.]

However, as the photos above & below show, the table setting itself has been upgraded. With the pop art water bowl & the Modernist stainless steel serving dish, complemented by a colorful place mat, meal times [albeit only 2] satisfy both hungers: for food & for an aesthetically pleasing dining experience.

To whom do I owe my enhanced condition? Primarily it is a response by my Grandmere et Grandpere who understand & empathize with all the challenges & trials facing any discriminating dog. My new food dish is strikingly elegant. It's worthy of display in the Museum of Modern Art. [In fairness, Mama et Papa provided the place mat & the plastic, but cute, water bowl.]

So, from the bottom of my heart Grandmere et Grandpere, I extend my sincere unqualified [and highly public] thank you.

Gratitude also to Mama et Papa who, I concede, have apparantly launched a higher level of service & care.

N.B. Grandmere et Grandpere:
Expect a private communication that will arrive shortly in your mailbox.

1 comment:

elle said...

Thank goodness the humans finally came through with some appropriate table ware. In particular, the MoMA-looking dinner dish is a neat counterpoint to the pop art water bowl. Love your blog.
From "a friend"