Thursday, March 22, 2007

Photographer: my turn

As I pen [a metaphor] this, several important entries are in process [a term I learned from Mama, often used in academia for dubious purposes].

However, springtime's in the air in Athens, GA, with highs in the upper 70s & plenty of pollen and bugs to suit nobody's taste.

Thus I explain my yearning to conquer [figure of speech?] expression through the graphic arts. First up: photography.

Here's Mama in my first attempt at portraiture.

How patient she is, what an even temper she possesses! For she allowed me to: [1] use her digital camera, [2] publish this, my first photo ever.

I like to think of this entry as an Ode to Springtime, that season of new beginnings.

And the shot of me [above & self-shot] as paean to the Persian new year, 1386.

NoRuz Mobarak


elle said...

I'm glad to learn that you have taken up digital photography.

Your first effort is impressive; some might say you have already overtaken your mentor.

However: why does the ancient Persian civilization mark a year that's so early, if you see what I mean.

elle said...

Oh, I forgot to thank your Mama for recording my thoughts [see comment above]. Your loving Grandpere.