Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Dear Santa, 2011

Dear Darling Santa,

Thank you for bringing me some presents, some of which I like. You are the kindest, nicest man ever and I count you as my very best friend. It's wonderful that you take the time to visit me each year but I know that you see me when I'm sleeping and know when I'm awake 24/7.

To summarize: I did not get the Hide 'em and Find 'em plush toy with several small blue balls. On the other hand, I'm grateful for the antler chew toy and the long-needed china food bowl. I received a vintage reindeer toy but clearly that was for Maman. The candy cane chew toy's okay; it's not real candy. I was especially hoping for the I'm Beggin' Ya Treat Box (big size). But although that didn't materialize, I'm rather relieved not to have received a Burberry sweater (or for that matter any sweater).

[May I say, dear Santa, in all honesty that when it comes to the gifts, I was hoping for more?]

As for Maman and Papa, their gift experience was also mixed: no Mercedes, no 10ct. emerald cut, set in platinum diamond ring. Papa opened package after package of clothing. But he also found a Doctor Who hologram chamber and a special "Brown Betty" tea pot under the (rosemary) table top tree. And his loot included a Smiley's People DVD. Maman's hopes for Co Co Chanel perfume were rewarded. On the other hand, she has already returned her new warm winter coat. They both did receive thick warm socks.

We shared Christmas dinner with Pam, Sophie and Lily and that was wonderful. Great drink, food and conversation! Their tree was spectacular, the girls and Pam are beautiful, and everyone treated me as an honored guest. They appreciated the gifts I brought them--a cornucopia of fancy makeup, tough-cool black leather gloves for Pam, and $50 cash for each of the girls.

I have used my time this holiday season constructively. I've paid special attention to perfecting the combo winsome-wistful sideways Glance. I've steadily improved and at present the Glance is liberally rewarded with holiday treats, those reserved for doggies and those intended for strictly human consumption.

So, Santa, although I have some reservations, Christmas has been a happy holiday. I hope your Christmas was the best ever, that you in your turn received desired gifts and tasty treats, and that now you take a well deserved rest basking in the knowledge of a job well done.

I love you Santa, very very much. I hope you love me too.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Week of Woe

The Christmas holiday season is my favorite time of year. A time when I expect new toys, treats, perhaps a Christmas sweater (I chose the word "expect," not desire)

But this past week can only be described as a major downer, a week of woe. First, a routine trip to the dentist turned into major medical. Second, the resulting meds led to some seriously deceptive behavior (on the part of certain people) which I shall explain momentarily. Then to add insult to injury, today I was dragged (chose that word advisedly) to Doggie Styles, the lair of the frightening Kelly.

The dental situation is dire; I will not linger over it here. The meds, a different story. Willingly I ingested the medications three times per day for several days. Now wouldn't you expect that if one prescription expired the others would too?

Learn from my experience; meds last as long as they last. Fed up with Maman's and Papa's mendacity I tried to refused the pitiful attempts to lure me with cheese and ice cream with more or less success. Finally, this morning, at the hint of the profferred cheese and ice cream, I ran away! They couldn't believe it. I'd confounded them thoroughly and I was feeling pretty fine

In the midst of my jubilation, however, Papa lured me into the car and drove me down that loathsome road ----- to Doggie Styles (ugh). I've written about Kelly before. She is a nice woman and pretty too. But her profession dooms her to the dread-list of doggies everywhere.

Now that Christmas is only 5 days away, I can only hope that my sacrifices to (not of) Good Behavior, my acceptance of adversity with no (or little) crying or pouting, and my general good cheer will be remembered by darling Santa who act upon that accordingly.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Don't Pout, Don't Cry, Be Good

Post Script to my last:

Darling Santa, To show both honesty and contrition, two valued qualities, I must make a confession. This morning, I stole into Maman's room and made straight for the basket with cute gifts for big girls; also piled high with festive Hershey's kisses. Yes, I know I'm not allowed in Maman's room and yes, I know doggies are allergic to chocolate.

In my defense, Maman closed the door behind her as she left, but true, I was hiding out hoping she wouldn't notice me. (She didn't)

I grabbed a kiss when I had the chance. Santa, I swear (purely a figure of speech) on my dog food and my dog treats that I did not eat the chocolate! It was the candy wrapping I was after, and for a few bright moments I strewed it about for all I was worth. Maman blew into the room like a tornado, I don't know how soon after I'd begun my thrilling shredding of candy wrapping. My fun ended & victory wasn't won.

Santa, I do hope this episode doesn't compromise me in the gifts stakes. Please take into account the 364 days of 2011 that I have been and will be good.

Please refer to my previous blog posting if you've forgotten what's on my gift list.

In closing, I love you darling Santa. You're my greatest pal. I hope you're in good shape for your upcoming night time marathon. In your honor I will read my ebook pop-up version of The Night Before Christmas (available as an iPhone app) daily between now & then.

Love again, Mercury Murphy Roushanzamir

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Dear Santa, 2011

Dearest, darling Santa!

It's that time of the year again, time for good little doggies to be properly rewarded for their long, hard year of good behavior. Have I been naughty? No. Have I been nice? But, of course. Did I shred Maman's framed poster from London? Can I plead the 5th; after all, many of the best have.

Santa, you know how much I love you. You are friend, mentor, companion. You, at the North Pole, me at the South, we share a special bond. Often I say to myself: Santa is my best friend ever.

Well, lets get down to brass tacks. Here are the items I hope to receive from you this Christmas.

Mercury's Christmas List:

1.antler chews (the antlers fall off reindeer naturally, so don't worry about your helpers)

2. Hide 'em & Find 'em plush global balls puzzle (this IQ toy is green & blue, and each ball and the larger ball they fit into are colored green and blue like the earth. I wouldn't even ask for it if it weren't that my IQ is high enough to meet the challenge.)

3. a new bowl for my food. (Dining is always a pleasure, but think how much fun it would be if I had the appropriate china and flatware.)

4. a Burberry sweater (cashmere preferred).

5. An "I'm Beggin Ya Treat Box" (the big size)

6. a Vintage Reindeer Toy (really for Maman; she's beginning to prefer vintage; between us, we know that that signifies.)

7. a Sugar Lips Monkey Toy. (for tossing & killing when the mood strikes)

Because I'm so well behaved and unselfish I annually include some suggestions for what Maman et Papa hope to find under the Yuletide tree. They have been good though one cannot say excellent. In any case, they have not been naughty. I'm confidant you'll extend your bounty to them as well.


He's still waiting for that Mercedes. He prefers black with the gun sight logo standing high.

New thick warm socks.

A t-shirt with a doggie logo.

Some doggie pj/s.

A board game we can play together.


She's still waiting for that 10 ct. emerald cut diamond set solo in platinum.

New thick warm socks.

A gray & pink turtle neck sweater that zips into a v-neck sweater.

A trip to England.

A trip to Hawaii.

As a token of my appreciation, I will leave you some milk and an entire bowl full of my healthful & delicious food. It will make a welcome break from all those cookies which, in any case, are not good for your waistline.

Dearest darling Santa, I love you so much. I can hardly express how much I look forward to your yearly visits and how I value the gifts you give me. Perhaps this year you could also leave a personal letter, addressed to me. My reading skills are as advanced as my writing skills and I will not share your letter unless I have written permission from you to do so. But OH, how I would treasure such a letter; I would keep it in my little home which is entirely private and I would read it every evening before I fell asleep. Or consider visiting me during the off months. You are welcome to sleep in my home and we can play games and read with a flashlight after lights are supposed to be out.

Dear darling Santa, I hope you have a great, safe Christmas eve and visit all the deserving children & doggies in the whole world. My wish for your Christmas day is that it's joyous, full of tasty treats and sweet surprises.

Ever your very best friend, Mercury Murphy Roushanzamir
(I wanted to include my personal email address but Maman won't let me have one)

P.S. I'd also like a TV for my very own and an iphone like Maman's. (and a personal email address)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mercury Makes Promises

Fans, you must be faithful indeed to return to my blog after months of my neglect. I will now offer my excuses:

1. Maman et Papa did not buy a new bed for my loft. Thus, I had to wander the house, searching for something that did not exist, taking solace where I could find it.

1a. BTW, I merely borrowed the chair you see in the photo; it belongs to Grandpere (although he rejected it)

2. Maman bought herself a new computer, a MacBook Air. Note I say "herself." She won't let me near it. I've had to sneak into the computer room in her absence and thus gain access to Mac (as she calls him.)

3. As I recall, I had promised to show you some of my iPhotography and the edited images. Again Maman. What's up with her? Perhaps she's gone mad?! Perhaps she's jealous?! Now that I've learned how to use the computer by myself (and while she's not around) I will fulfill my original promise, i.e. to create and maintain a timely and entertaining blog. I will proudly show you some of the fruits of my labor and the progress I've made in graphic/visual arts.

Please check back soon to see if I've lived up to my promises (and to see if I have mastered the MacBook Air.)

Au revoir for now, MM

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

iPhotography Exhibits

In this photo you see me in my Helper Dog uniform. I help Maman & Papa in many ways: around the house, with the cooking, taking them on walkies, choosing films & TV shows to watch, etc. But I'm not defined by my helper role alone. I have other occupations, ways in which I express the real me.

Now, I'm announcing three sites dedicated to my artist endeavors. Specifically, iPhotography. Both of these pictures have been shot and edited using iPhotography techniques.

iPhotography is a new art, a branch perhaps of 20th century photography, that involves snapping photos using different camera apps available in the iTunes store and then altering them with editing apps.

The camera apps I use are: the iPhone camera, KingCamera,100Cameras, Camera+ and iMaajiCam.

The editing apps: PhotoStudio, PhotoForge2, WordFoto, PhotoShop Express and Photosynth.

Loyal Fans & Friends, Would you like to view my work? If so, visit Doggie Days Diary where you will see many cute pictures of me!

Nature Altered displays a collection of edited pictures of natural landscapes & close-ups.

Word Foto combines images with words to add a dimension to what heretofore was an image-only art form.

I hope you will visit any-- or all --of these three galleries in which I present my creative work. Just click on the links above.

You can record any comments, whether about the techniques or the photo subjects on this blog (below) or on the gallery blogs.

Finally, please visit these galleries from time to time; I promise to add new material on a regular basis. For now, ENJOY! ;-D

As always, yours, Mercury Murphy

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Powerful political flashmob in Paris

Soon my Iranian grandmere will be here in Athens. Last year she brought me some gifts including 2 carpets of my very own. I hope she'll bring me some gifts this year too. In the meantime, here is a video that I think you, my friends & fans will enjoy:

This video shows a flash mob in Paris that quietly but powerfully takes a stand against oppression in Iran and read the of it on You tube.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Law & Order

I am a big fan of law and order. Each morning as I peruse the police blotter, I'm struck again by the inane and sometimes vicious and dangerous behavior of human beings.

In this photo you'll note that I'm wearing my Helper Dog uniform. This I wear with great pride since it denotes my status as a responsible dog that fulfills her civic duties to individuals and to society.

But I am also devoted to Law & Order. The original is the best. See reruns on TNT daily. Next Law & Order: Criminal Intent which stars one of my favorite actors, Vincent D'onofrio. Reruns on USA. Law & Order: SVU, third. There's Law & Order: LA which I don't watch because I'm strictly East coast. But a new contender, at least in my viewing world, is Law & Order: UK.
[Break now while I watch same on BBC America.]

I highly recommend watching any of these programs (except LA). You will learn many things about NYC and London, about police procedures and about the justice system. They will augment your scans of the daily police blotter, service on a jury, or voracious consumption of mysteries.

And because all these will occupy so much time, you will keep out of trouble and stay under the radar of Majesty Law [enforcement].

Monday, June 06, 2011

Dark Monday

Dear Friends and Fans,

Can it be that we haven't communicated since the tranquil days of Christmas, with their celebration of peace and presents?

Certainly I have been busily engaged in various artistic pursuits: iphone/tography, photo manipulation, music appreciation and so forth. More about all of those shortly. I've also been exploring the blogosphere and plan to update you on some noteworthy blogs that you may wish to follow as you do mine.

And yet, I am shamed to have neglected you, faithful friends and fans. (at least, I hope you've been faithful)

So why have I titled this entry Dark Monday? You've probably already guessed. It's Doggie Styles day, my monthly visit to what Maman calls the spa. Let's tell it like it is. Doggie Styles is a public bath and also, for the really unlucky ones, shave and a haircut. Adding insult to injury, the bath costs 2 bits---if you reckon in dollars, not cents. Dark Monday refers to bath only visit; deathly Monday, the full treatment.

How did such as nice woman as Kelly surely is enter such a dastardly business?

Some questions in life will never be answered.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Thank You, Darling Santa

Dear, Darling Santa,

I hope you're not too tired to read my letter. Perhaps it's a bit overdue but I figure you might have needed a long nap after your arduous Christmas Eve. I tried so hard to stay awake that night so that I could join you as you drank the milk +brandy concoction and ate the delicious cookies. (Below is a picture to remind you of that night and of the delicious cookies; perhaps you'll want to visit me again soon.)

While I did not receive all the gifts I asked for, I was satisfied with my treat filled personalized pail, my argyle leash, a couple of balls to chase, gourmet treats to eat and a sturdy bone to chew. (Below are pictures)

Papa did not fare so well. He received a book titled A Butler's Guide to Gentlemen's Grooming and another, Porters English Cookery Bible (written by Richard, Earl of Bradford). Maman gave him a stress-relieving Adipose (a wicked alien encountered during the time travels of Dr. Who) which he disliked very much and which Maman immediately took back. Luckily, Papa bought himself an all-cotton scarf and a pair of Gap jeans. And after this blaze of infamy, he was happy to open a bottle of Glenmorangie. Perhaps friend Santa if you visit us (very) soon, he will share with you.

Maman did not receive a shopping spree in the London Burberry store, but she did open a beautifully wrapped package containing a Burberry Brit jacket. And another equally lovely package revealed sweet smelling perfume. The 8-10 carat emerald cut diamond ring set in platinum will have to wait til next year.

I know you see me all the time, when I'm awake and when I'm asleep, so perhaps you saw this: Maman downloaded a pop-up book on her birthday iPad titled The Night Before Christmas. Have you read that? It's all about a guy like you. He looks like you. He gives gifts like you. And, he says, "Ho Ho Ho." Just like you!

So darling Santa, primarily thanks to you I spent a wonderful Christmas. I was happy to learn at Christmas dinner that you visited the highly deserving Pam, Sophie, and Lily too. Next to me, they were probably the best behaved girls in Athens. Plus they set a beautiful holiday table, loaded with festive foods, and welcome me with open loving arms.

I hope you'll call me a few times during the year; we can exchange funny stories and maybe plan to meet somewhere. If that's not possible, I'll (hopefully) see you next Christmas Eve.

Love from the best behaved doggie ever, Mercury