Monday, August 07, 2006

Charts & Art

Mama is still in shingles suffering mode. Pauvre Mama. According to her physician the medical chart reads stable but room for improvement.

I had hoped to give you a tour of the world through art. Throughout the years [well, year; my 1st birthday was in June] I've collected textiles, paintings, etchings & artifacts from Africa, Asia, South & North America and Europe, including the UK. For example, to the left is a [rather badly shot by pauvre Mama!] picture of a picture. The original is a beautiful shot taken in Bagdhad illustrating the impact of war on a former world-class hotel lobby. The picture is the work of Peter Frey, an important local photographer who has travelled the world documenting the profound horrors & hopes of people.

It is my intention for Mama to provide other pictures of some of my world art. So please stop by again for updates on what I've called "charts & art." Cheers, Mercury Murphy.

1 comment:

Karen Miller Russell said...

Pauvre mama indeed! I hope M.M. is helping with cooking, light housekeeping, and yard work while you're down.