Saturday, August 12, 2006

Named: Mercury Rising

What's in a name? Plenty. This entry explains how my Official AKC-registered Name, Mercury Murphy Roushanzamir, came into being. Sit back, relax, & follow the links; you'll be rewarded with a world tour through geography, history, society & cultures.

Mercury: For a number of years, Mama has been fascinated with the biography of Freddie Mercury. His life history is poignant & powerful, tracing an early example of what is now the not uncommon experience of serial global emigration. It is also a sweet story of how a lost soul found confirmation of his most magnificant dreams & in so doing made musical history. Follow this link for more about Freddie Mercury:

Mercury is also the name of the winged God, messanger of Zeus in ancient Roman cosmology [Hermes in Greek--another positive association for Mama].
And the mid-20th century American dime displays a pastiche of Mercury [pictured as a woman with a winged cap]. For a history of the Mercury dime see:

Also planet Mercury, called "a planet of extremes;" This seems to fit with Mama's personality and the projection of her persona onto me-- a Dog. [Often, as I've observed, humans want to endow other life forms & even inanimate objects with "personalities" & other human characteristics. The word "anthropomorphizing" means attributing human qualities to objects.] In any case go to this website
for information about the planet and a scale map of the solar system!

Roushanzamir: In the early 20th century Persians didn't use last names. But when the Father of the Shah reigned, all Persian men were directed to choose last names & enter a system of state registration. Many chose the names of their city [e.g. Shirazi/Shiraz] or their profession [Najar/carpenter]. Papa's grandfather, true to his philosophical & poetic approach to life, chose a name with more abstract/metaphorical meaning: Roushanzamir. Roushan means godly light; zamir, human consciousness. Together they encapsulate a profound concept: a fusion of the heavens with the ashes, the bipolar opposition which is humanity.
And then there is:

Mercury suggests the artistry of Freddie Mercury, information & speed associated with the mythical Roman God, & the extremes of the planet closest to our sun. Roushanzamir, aside from its metaphoric nuances, is the surname of Mama & Papa. But Murphy? Alas, this whim arose in conversation between Mama et grandpere [pictured above left]. The latter, on learning of my first name, insisted that was absolutely incorrect.
"Her name is Murphy," he said.
Mama responded, "No, she is Mercury."
Grandpere dit: "Murphy."
Mama, ever gentle, kind, respectful & loving, suggests a compromise: "Murphy shall be her middle name," said she.

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