Monday, August 28, 2006


Frank Sinatra said it best:
Thanks for the memory
Of letters I destroyed
Books that we enjoyed
Tonight the way things look
I need a book by sigmund freud...

As a regular reader of my blog you already know of my chewing preferences: paper [it could be a letter] & especially books, hardback or paper. But as I hummed Sinatra's tune, I realized that no baby pictures of Me have been released to my public. Until Now.

Above, the Formal Picture. Shot by a dog photographer in her studio, this remains the best facsimilie of my true appearance as a young pup. It captures my beauty & strength as it suggests that this pup's inate qualities promise a great & wonderful future.

Below, 2 pictures shot shortly after I arrived chez Mama et Papa. [note the look of sheer terror expressed only in my eyes & the bravery of my body language]
Although untutored & inexperienced in the ways of raising an exceptional pup, they tried their best-- for example, Mama held me in her arms for my first 72 hours in the home, sacrificing her lunch to reassure me of her love. Their care & concern allowed me to develop into the bruiser & public intellectual that I am today.

This entry would be incomplete without acknowledging that a baby lived with Mama et Papa long before I arrived. The baby is a grown up now, but such was not always the case. Here is a shot of my good friend, bro Allan:

To see a picture of Allan as a grown up, go to the entry for August 4, 2006.

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