Friday, August 04, 2006

His Sisters & His Cousins & His Aunts

Those of you familiar with the comic operaettas of Gilbert & Sullivan may recognize the title to today's entry. It introduces the theme of my coming entries on my Family.
Today I will begin to introduce you to only 3 members of what was rather small family until the Roushanzamir branch was grafted. [Now we number in the hundreds.]

First, my cousin Susan Erika Lester. Her big news of the summer: earned her driver's license. What more need be said? [well, plenty but I'll save it for another time.]

Next, Uncle Morteza. [without his glasses]

And then, brother Allan. [a popular guy, always on his mobile]

I'll fill you in on these & the others later. Mama feels too sick to wait for me to complete my entry. For some reason, she still won't let me turn the computer on or off. She doesn't seem to realize how completely computer competent I am. [True she doesn't know that I practice when she leaves me alone. And please, don't tell.]

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