Sunday, July 30, 2006

Out to the Ball Game

This is a 2-part entry. Part I: my Theory of Baseball:

Of all the ball-games that folks play, base ball seems the purest Sport. No time limitation [basketball], no timed interruptions [the so-called quarters of football], no pretense that people lack hands & arms [soccer, sometimes also referred to as football], no help from the animal kingdom [horses/ polo], no tea [cricket] & etc.

Baseball games begin at the beginning & end when one team wins, either in the 9th or as long as it takes. People pitch, hit, run and catch & the umpire's word is final;no instant replay. Baseball's a sport for Everyman ["man"used in its generic sense]. An all-engrossing, fascinating display of people's prowess. Perhaps you marvel at my knowledge of baseball, the People's Game. Check out picture 1. Papa & I prepare to root for the home team. So far, so good.

PartII: Dogs Do Not Play Baseball

With the Theory of Baseball in mind, why must my Mama pretend that the good old-fashioned dog game of Fetch must be transformed into a kind of sham doggie baseball? Silly beyond belief. A recent example:

This morning, Mama threw my favorite ball and I fetched it. That was lots of fun.

However in less time than it takes to say "you're out," she was winding up a pitch, throwing the ball & and adding commentary such as: "It lands in the outfield. The player's rounding first, coming into second...." Or: "Strike one. It's a homerun. We're behind 1-nothing." And other baseball referrents.

Has she lost her mind?
Picture 2 shows a member of my "opposing team." [His team in black & white. Right!] Picture 3: Me [our team in red] in the "dugout;" can you guess that I'm "pitching" that game?Picture 4, me after an 11-inning night game.

Believe me, no one likes a ball game better than I do. But please, when playing with your dog, drop the fantasy & let's play Fetch. [peanuts & cracker jacks, encouraged]

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